BC Healthy Kids Program

This program helps low income families with the costs of basic dental care* and prescription eye wear for their children (under the age of 19).

Before beginning treatment, confirm that the dentist or optical provider offers services under the BC Healthy Kids program AND see if there will be additional charges over what the BC Healthy Kids program will cover.

If a family has been approved for MSP premium assistance, they are automatically eligible for Healthy Kids. If you need to apply for Premium Assistance, visit the Ministry of Health Services website or call 604-683-7151 (Toll free at: 1-800-663-7100.)

If you have questions about your child’s teeth and your child is under the age of 6, you may want to contact the Community Dental Hygienist at the local Health Unit (250-850-2100).


Phone: 1-800-663-7100