The Miyoopimatishihk (Wellbeing) Program
The Miyoopimatishihk (Wellbeing) Program was developed by Métis Nation British Columbia (MNBC) for families with Métis children birth to 8 years. This is available to MNBC citizens. The child must be enrolled in the Métis Family Connections Program.
For any parent or guardian who cares for a Métis child birth to 8 years old. This is available to MNBC citizens. The child must be enrolled in the Métis Family Connections Program
There are a range of expenses that may be eligible. Expenses generally fall into one of three categories:
· health supports and services
· social supports and services
· education supports and services
MNBC recognizes that some children may require multiple supports and services from any combination of the three categories
This service is provided by:
The Campbell River Women's Resource Centre has been providing quality care and services to women living throughout the Campbell River area and the surrounding northern Vancouver Island communities.
#380 – 13401 108 Ave,
Surrey, BC V3T 5T3