Friday Play
A group for mothers and their children 0 - 6 years old. This group offers a light lunch, access to support and educational resources, an opportunity to network with other parents and interact in new and exciting ways with your children.
No group the fourth week of each month.
July and August the group will be at the Sportsplex playground.
When does it happen?
Where do I go?
487 10th Avenue,
Campbell River, BC
Who can I contact?
Deborah Koster
This service is provided by:
Campbell River Family Services is committed to providing quality services for individuals, children and families. The services may be offered on an individual, small or large group basis and can include prevention, education, crisis intervention, clinical support, advocacy and follow-up services.
487 - 10th Avenue
Campbell River
British Columbia
V9W 4E4
Laurie Overton