Métis Nation British Columbia
Are you looking for childcare?
To find child care in Campbell River and Area visit the Child Care Map. The Child Care Map contains licensed child care providers that receive Child Care Operating Funding. The map gives you location of centres, and if there are vacancies within the centre. Child care providers are responsible for updating their vacancies and other information. Contact Website:…
Read MoreAffordable Child Care Benefit
The BC Affordable Child Care Benefit program is to help eligible families with the cost of child care. Information about the program can also be found online: https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/family-social-supports/caring-for-young-children/child-care-funding/child-care-benefit Contact Contact: Alison Boucher Phone: 250-203-6022 Email: aboucher@pacific-care.bc.ca Website:http://www.pacificcare.ca/ This service is provided by: PacificCare Child Care Resource and Referral PacificCare CCRR assists parents in finding child…
Read MoreThe Miyoopimatishihk (Wellbeing) Program
The Miyoopimatishihk (Wellbeing) Program was developed by Métis Nation British Columbia (MNBC) for families with Métis children birth to 8 years. Métis families can apply for and access services funded directly by MNBC.
Read MoreMétis Family Connections
The Métis Early Years program was developed by the Métis Nation British Columbia for Métis families with children birth to 8 years. The Métis Middle Years program is for children 9-12 years and the Métis Secondary Years program is for youth 13-18 years. This is available to MNBC citizens and those who self identify as Metis. The…
Read MoreMétis Child Care Benefit Program
The Métis Child Care Benefit Program is a service offered by the Metis Child Care Navigation and Support program for families with Métis children birth to 12 years. Through the Métis Child Care Benefit Program, families can access additional funding. This is available to families who are MNBC citizens and are enrolled in the Métis Family Connections Program. Contact…
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