Campbell River Children’s Charter
Thursday, November 3, 2016
The City of Campbell River recognised the importance of supporting children back in February 2015 when they committed to supporting the development of a Children’s Charter for Campbell River. This commitment outlines how groups, organisations, and individuals in Campbell River will work together to ensure that children and youth have:
- Access to safe places to live, work, and play;
- A healthy start in life, with a foundation to thrive;
- Support for families in meeting the needs of their children;
- A supporting, caring community where children and youth feel they belong;
- Lifelong learning opportunities;
- And, opportunities to reach their full potential.
The Campbell River Family Network, School District 72 and Success By 6 partnered with the City to create a Children’s Charter. Throughout this journey, businesses and community agencies have shown support by endorsing the Children’s Charter during its development. On October 24, 2016, City Council unanimously adopted the Campbell River’s Children’s Charter. The official signing is yet to come.
On November 15, 2016, many community leaders from across the community are coming together to officially launch the Children's Charter. It's also a time to thank everyone that has been involved over the past two years during the development of the charter. On November 18, 2016, children and families will have an opportunity to learn more about Campbell River's Children's Charter at the National Child Day event being held at the Campbell River Community Centre from 10:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. The Charter will be on display.
The Journey

Endorsers and Supporters:
- Board of Education, School District 72
- Campbell River and District Association for Community Living
- Campbell River Child Care Society
- Campbell River Literacy Association
- Chan Nowosad Boates
- Downtown BIA
- Early Childhood Educators of BC, Campbell River Branch
- Forest Circle Society for Families
- FYI Doctors
- Immigrant Welcome Centre
- Laichwiltach Family Life Society
- PacificCare Family Enrichment Society
- We Wai Kai Nation