We Wai Kai Nation
We Wai Kai Nation Head Start
The We Wai Kai Nation Cape Mudge Band Headstart Program is offered at Quinsam and the We Wai Kai Preschool Daycare Headstart Program is offered at Cape Mudge. Cape Mudge differs in that it offers daycare within the program. There are six (6) components to the program: culture and language, education, health promotion, nutrition, parent & family involvement and social support. The program is a warm, accepting, and caring environment for both children and their families and offers morning, all day, and afternoon programs. In both communities a Headstart Outreach program is provided for families with children ages 0-36 months. This includes weekly play groups, a mobile resource library, home visits and the engagement of children, parents and families in activities that encourage involvement in activities, nutrition, and skills that promote healthy lifestyles.
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